連我朋友都說你也太會找【時尚屋】[5U7]印花原切橡木4x7尺下六抽衣櫥5U7-176-47了吧,害他也想買一個 哈
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- 門片緩衝後鈕
而且最近網站都有提供優惠券折扣下殺活動,我怎麼能錯過這一波呢 開心!
台南寢具店特賣2017-11-09 辦公家具工廠 台南20:49
家俱 床墊〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕近日1名菲裔女模在美國加州上工時,與白人夫妻發生衝突。起因是婦人不滿女模的舉止,頻頻爆粗口,甚至見她是黃皮膚,不分國籍地對著她喊「滾回中國」。事後女模於個人IG公開影片,希望社會停止種族仇恨。據《KTLA》報導,1名菲律賓裔女子伊格納西歐(Quiggle Ignacio),當地時間11月7日她前往加州的大型購物中心工作時,在停車場與1對夫妻發生衝突。當時伊格納西歐於車上享用午餐,1對夫婦推購物車經過她的車子旁,購物車不慎擦撞到伊格納西歐的車。但她未下車追究,只是看了對方一眼,低頭繼續吃東西。婦人對伊格納西歐的舉動感到憤怒,並質問她「妳他X的瞪我幹嘛」?雙方開始爆發激烈衝突,這對夫婦飆罵4字經,甚至罵她「亞裔笨蛋」、「滾回你國家」,伊格納西歐為自保拿出手機側錄,婦人見狀情緒高昂的對著她罵「滾回中國」,甚至衝過來打她的臉,最後婦人老公拉著她上車離開。伊格納西歐事後去警局報案並驗傷,並於她的個人IG公開影片希望能找到這對夫妻,她也呼籲社會停止種族仇恨,「別再互相傷害」。相關連結 NEED YOUR HELP TO FIND THEM: please send me any information. Today a racist couple at a parking lot in glendale did this to me. I was sitting quietly in my car around 2:20pm eating my meal and hurrying up excited to meet my friend. Then a lady pushing a grocery cart that has her baby in it hit my car so I looked at her and I dint want to go down because i thought I just wanted to finish my meal and i had it in my hands. I dint even get down to check damage I was just seeing if she would say anything i need to hear but she passed my car and started yelling "what are you looking at bitch? Fuck you chinky asian!" With a shock I went out the car and asked her "why are you yelling when you are the one who hit my car? I was eating quietly." She screamed at my face and pointing finger at my face "you fucking staring at me you bitch etc etc" while yelling the husband came "dont talk to her like that! Fuck you chinky asian! Go back to your country bitch!" Then she kept saying "fuck you! Go back to china!" They kept pressing that I yelled at them but the husband wasn't even there yet to see that his wife yelled and yelled i dint even say a word in my car. I took my phone to record the damage and to get their plate number but the woman hid the plate with the cart and they were both around me that was really scary. For a woman bigger than I am and a man yelling at me triple my size was traumatic specially when she started hitting me. I had to defend myself but the emotional and psychological damage is harder to heal. Im a good person and a hard worker, follow the law and take care of my patients like my own. Theres no race or color that would change my service to them. I take care of them just like how I would take care of my family. I planned a good day and prior to that I was looking for electric wheelchair for my grandfather as a gift. What did I do to get hit on the face? I dint do anything wrong or bad to them. I was the victim but then i got hurt and I got discriminated. Now my head hurts and I feel nauseated. At this point i really pray that people stop being racist and stop hurting other people. Its not okay to ruin someone else's day. Learn how to admit mistakes. ?Quiggle?(@quiggleignacio)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 11月 月 8 11:48下午 PST 張貼
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